More Welcome Homes


Hand pulled screened print signed by the artist and also by Roberto Almodovar. This is a limited edition print about the release of Robert Almodovar Jr. from behind bars after 23 years for a crime he didn’t commit. Robert is one of over 70 cases of frame ups by crooked cop Detective Reynaldo Guevara. This case is very close to my heart since I worked for many years in the late 90’s and 2000’s with the Comite Exigimos Justicia, the group of family members and supporters that helped connect the dots on what this detective was doing in the Puerto Rican Humboldt Park neighborhood of Area 5. Below is the Buzzfeed article and video with the background and info about those still fighting for justice. Over 70 million dollars has been paid out already to some of the 20 already exonerated guys in this case !!! More Welcome Homes !

Robert was originally given a death sentence which was later changed to a life sentence. When he was finally given a new day in court, he was moved up to a closer prison. He commented to his Aunt Mary that he ate his first fresh orange in 17 years. This poster incorporates that orange into the design. These posters are particularly meaningful because Robert has only been home since April 14th, but wanted to sign each one personally and add a message that seems to exemplify his positive personality with the 19 x 12 ¼ . This print is now part of the permanent collection of the Center for Political Graphics and part of their international traveling show on police violence.

UPDATE : February 2023 - This week the 38th person John Martinez one of Detective Reynaldo Guevara frame ups in Chicago got exonerated !!! Welcome Home !! Absolutely incredible!!! Free them all !! #exonerationproject #reynaldoguevara #innocentdemandjustice #detectiveguevara #detectiveguevaraframed #detectiveguevaravictims #revolutionarylemonadestand #chicago #exonerated #freethemall More art for sale from my More Welcome Homes series at revolutionarylemonadestand website !! #loevyandloevy #buzzfeed #bonjeanlawgroup

Stephanie Weiner

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